
Showing posts from July, 2020

4 Topics Dialogue

*pict scr : “SUGGESTION & OFFER” THE PRESIDENTIAL OF STUDENT ORGANIZATION ELECTION Riska : Hi, guys. What’s going on? Fina : Hi, Ris. We’re talking about presidential election that will be held tomorrow. Dine : Yap. By the way, who will you choose, Ris? Riska : Emm, who are the candidates? I haven’t heard anything about presidential election by the way. Fina : They are Tegar from XI science-1, Kyra from XI social-2, and Alana from XI science-5. Riska : And then, what do you think about them, guys? Dine : I think Alana is the strongest candidate, because she is socialite. Riska : How about Kyra? Do you have mind to choose her? Because i know that she has good leadership. Fina : Unfortunately, I don’t. Although she has good leadership, but she is a moody person I think. Dine : How about you, Ris? Riska : It’ll be difficult to choose someone between them. ‘Cause Kyra and Alana have been my schoolmates since I was in elementary school. Dine : But, I